First Steps in… Coding to Learn
This colorful eBook includes 271 pages of step-by-step instructions and hands-on activities along with 90 reproducible sheets to provide creative opportunities to introduce coding within a creative environment rich in mathematics. Previous knowledge of coding is not required. Coding begins with optional activities involving walking the code, sequencing and commands for directing a small floor robot leading to a world of procedures, variables, recursion and projects on the computer screen. Logo, a simple, powerful, mathematical coding language originating at MIT, results in concrete action to reflect thinking. Hence Logo is referred to as the “language of learning” in which we “code to learn”. Activities in the eBook are designed in that students can lead themselves or be part of a class or group for a full year course or a special short term introductory course within 3rd to 8th grade.

“New curriculum from Neufeld Learning Systems brings a fresh perspective to coding with Terrapin Logo and Blue-Bot. First Steps in… Coding to Learn leads students into an amazing world rich in math concepts. Students follow step-by-step instruction and examples to play robot, code Blue-Bot directly and interactively, and then into the mathematically immersive world of the Logo turtle.
Each chapter offers objectives and a plethora of fun activities to achieve them. Students lead themselves through the sequential exercises. The curriculum includes Terrapin Logo and a discount on Blue-Bot.”

Correlations with Ontario Coding Curriculum within Mathematics
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.1 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.2 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.3 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.4 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.5 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.6 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.7 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
- Ont. Math Expec. 2022 - Gr.8 - Curriculum - Coding-Strand
Additional Correlations
Additional Correlations for particular states and provinces will be added shortly.